Why a WordPress Administrator May Need to Check Plugin History A WordPress Administrator may need to check a plugin’s history on their site for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons is to understand the changes that have occurred over time since the plugin’s installation. This includes tracking any updates or modifications made […]
4 Free WordPress Plugins for Customizing the Admin Area of Your WordPress Blog
Customizing the administration area of your WordPress Blog is very important to make sure that you get everything that you want right away, and you don’t waste any time doing tasks that you frequently do. One thing that you want to make sure is that you take the time to find out what plugins […]
Affiliate Income for Bloggers: Best Websites and WordPress Plugins
Are you getting a steady stream of web traffic to your website, and are looking for the best way to make a little bit more money within a short time? There are many different lucrative ways to do this, but a lot of things that work for a short time may not be sustainable. […]
How to Move Posterous to WordPress – Migrating Your Blog
Posterous, a popular blogging platform, has been acquired. Twitter has bought the company, and this change in ownership has left many Posterous bloggers in some tension. Although it is unclear about what twitter will do with Posterous, this change is bound to affect many of the regular Posterous bloggers. The future of Posterous bloggers […]
The Best WordPress Plugins for PayPal – Best WordPress Themes for PayPal
When you hear the word WordPress, about 80% of people think of the blogging platform that millions use each and every day. But now a days with all of the advancements in computer technology, the internet and blogging technology, WordPress has become so much more than just a blogging platform. More and more people […]
How To Move – WordPress.com to WordPress.org & Self-Hosting
Using a free WordPress.com account is a fabulous way for you to get into blogging since WordPress can be of great benefit to any new or inexperienced blogger. A free WordPress.com blog provides a great platform to you to get familiarized with blogging, and to have a crack at the art of blogging. It […]
SEO in the Post-Panda and Post-Penguin World – Doing SEO The Right Way
Low quality websites have been hanging around on the internet for many years. Most of these sites only contain low quality articles. In fact, some of these sites ad blogs are just there so as to make money through advertisements. And yet, they are not offering anything substantial to the readers in terms of […]
Blogging Anonymously – Should You or Should You Not?
If you are thinking of starting a blog, you might have thought about this: should you use your real name while blogging, or should you blog anonymously? Even if you already have a blog, I am sure you would have considered this while starting your blog. Well, there are pros and cons of blogging […]
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