Why a WordPress Administrator May Need to Check Plugin History A WordPress Administrator may need to check a plugin’s history on their site for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons is to understand the changes that have occurred over time since the plugin’s installation. This includes tracking any updates or modifications made […]
Google AdSense: Pros, Cons and Should You Have it on Your Blog
AdSense by Google, more commonly known as Google AdSense, is an affiliate marketing program for internet websites and bloggers. Simply, it is a way for people or companies, who want to advertise their products, to sign up with Google. Google in turn signs up with you, the blogger, to advertise these products on behalf of […]
Joomla vs WordPress for Beginners: Features, SEO & More
Joomla and WordPress, the two most popular content management systems (CMS) out there, are going head to head in an epic battle. WordPress is the best blogging platform out there, and offers great features for content management. Joomla, on the other hand, is great for complex sites, and allows easy management and maintenance of […]
How To Move – WordPress.com to WordPress.org & Self-Hosting
Using a free WordPress.com account is a fabulous way for you to get into blogging since WordPress can be of great benefit to any new or inexperienced blogger. A free WordPress.com blog provides a great platform to you to get familiarized with blogging, and to have a crack at the art of blogging. It […]
Blogging Anonymously – Should You or Should You Not?
If you are thinking of starting a blog, you might have thought about this: should you use your real name while blogging, or should you blog anonymously? Even if you already have a blog, I am sure you would have considered this while starting your blog. Well, there are pros and cons of blogging […]
Guest Posting – Approaching Owners of Established Blogs and Choosing the Guest Post Topic
In “7 Advantages of Guest Blogging – Why Every Blogger Should Write Guest Posts“, we saw that guest blogging or guest posting on established blogs can be really beneficial to your blog. Continuing with the same theme, let’s explore two other important aspects of guest blogging: how to reach out to a busy blogger […]
13 Things to Avoid as a Blogger for Better User Experience and Better SEO
It can be often difficult for first time bloggers to grasp the right things to do when it comes to blogging. Most new bloggers usually learn the basics the hard way, which can be very frustrating. This is because of loss of a good reputation which is vital when building a blog and wastage […]
How to Choose Categories for Your Blog – Selecting Category Names
It is very important to have a good structure for a blog. The category structure of your blog and how you organize your content determines if a blog visitor will stay and read whatever you have to offer or leave your website in a matter of seconds. A good category naming convention also ensures […]
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