Ever wanted to know what your keywords are, and the other websites / blogs competing for them? Want to know your competitor’s main keywords?
Want to know the main Google AdWords keywords for a blog? Want to know the search engine and AdWords traffic to a site?
SEMRush is the tool for you – its free, and it does all of the above! Here are all the things you can do with SEMRush in detail.
What keywords your competitors use
When you pout a domain name in the search box and hit search, you would get the keywords for which the domain gets traffic from Google, their positions, number of queries per month and more.
The results can be sorted by keyword’s position, percentage of traffic and estimated cost of targeted visitors coming to this site from Google search results. You can also export this data and analyze it offline.
To know what keywords that blog or website buys in Google AdWords, just go to the report “AdWords Keywords” where you will be able to view all the keywords from that site’s AdWords Campaign. You can sort and export this data as well.
Collect list of best keywords to optimize for your site
When you generate the report for your domain (as explained above), go to the “Google Organic Keywords” report and export it to a file. Open this file in Excel (or another spreadsheet program), and sort it by position in reverse order. You will get the list of keywords for which your blog already has enough high positions in Google SERP.
You can take this list and further optimize your blog posts for these keywords, drawing even more search engine traffic. It’s the easiest way to collect long-tail keywords for your blog.
Obtain related keywords
This can be used to get appropriate keywords for your blog. This is most useful when you are doing the initial keyword research for your blog, but can also be used while researching individual blog posts.
Begin with the main keyword, and generate the report for it. You can know how much a click costs for this keyword in AdWords, the average number of searches for it, and the competition of advertisers in AdWords for that term. The trends column shows changes in volume of searches for this keyword.
If you want to get more phrases that include your main keyword, go to the “Full Search” report. You can also export those results and sort & analyze them in Excel. You get details like the average number of queries per month, CPC and the number of search results in Google SERP. This is how you can find all queries with your min keyword in them.
For getting related keywords, open the “Related keywords” report where you can get queries similar to your main keyword. You can export this report as well.
Obtain common keywords for your domain and your competitors’
When you get the main report for your domain, go to “Competitors in Google” or “Competitors in AdWords” reports to get the list of your competitors in Google SERP or Google AdWords respectively. Then click on the numbers in “Common keywords” column and look at the reports “Competing organic keywords” or “Competing AdWords keywords”. Here, you would get the keywords that are being used by both you and your competitor’s sites!
Use SEMRush now – its FREE!
As you see, there are a lots of tools available at SEMRush. You can also be creative and use the data for innovative purposes!
So start using the SEMRush tool now!
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