If you have been blogging and using WordPress for even a few weeks, you would have heard of the All In One SEO plugin used to optimize blog posts.
It is a great plugin, and is very widely used. However, it is also quite old.
Shouldn’t you be looking for fresh alternatives if you have just been blindly using some of the older WordPress SEO plugins like All In Once SEO or HeadSpace?
Well, now you have a reason to – there is a new SEO plugin available that can be used for search engine optimization of your blog posts, and a lot more!
(Image by Danard Vincente)
SEO Ultimate – The ultimate plugin for SEO that does a lot more
Yes, that’s true. The SEO Ultimate plugin obviously does a lot when it comes to SEO (including everything that the All In One SEO plugin does). But it goes further and does a lot many other useful things as well.
SEO Ultimate – List of Modules
404 Monitor
- Canonicalizer
- Code inserter
- Competition researcher
- Deeplink jaggernaut
- File editor
- Internal relevance researcher
- Link mask generator
- Linkbox inserter
- Meta description editor
- Meta keywords editor
- Meta robot tags editor
- More link customizer
- Nofollow manager
- Permalink tweaker
- Rich snippet creator
- Sharing facilitator
- Slug optimizer
- Title tag rewriter
- Webmaster verification assistant
- Whitepapers
Now that’s a long list, eh? The best part is – you can enable or disable each functionality individually! So you have full control over what you are entrusting the plugin with!
Now let’s dive in and look at the functionality of each of these modules.
Core Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Modules
Title Tag Rewriter
You can customize and format the title of any post, page or homepage using this module. It also puts your title at the beginning of the title tag, which is good for SEO.
Meta Description Editor
You can edit the meta description tag of any post, page or the homepage. This is what’s usually shown in the search engine results below your link, so tweaking this gives you an opportunity to influence the searchers and increase the click through rate.
Meta Keywords Editor
You can edit the meta keywords tag of any post, page or the homepage. There is also a facility to generate meta keywords using the category, tags, frequently used words in the post, etc.
You can also specify global keywords that apply to all webpages of your blog. You can also edit or update keywords for multiple posts using the mass editor.
Meta Robot Tags Editor
You can easily add no-index attribute ( <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" />
) to archives, login page, search results page etc. This is very useful in order to avoid duplicate content penalties, especially if you have set your theme to show full blog posts in the archives pages.
You can also set the meta robot tags for individual posts, pages, categories, tags, etc.
Deeplink Jaggernaut
This is an excellent tool to interlink your blog posts based on keywords.
You specify the keywords you want to target and the destination URL of the blog post you want to rank higher in search engine listings, and SEO Ultimate searches your blog’s content to create links to that post with your keyword as the anchor text.
The best part is that within WordPress, these auto generated links point to the actual post or page and not the URL. Therefore, even if you change the URL or slug of a post or page, the link would remain valid.
You can also specify the maximum number of links generated for a keyword and the maximum number of links generated on a post / page.
You can also exclude specific posts and pages from this autolinking functionality – no autolinks would be generated on these posts or pages. You can also force the module to link only to other posts in the sae category!
One cool feature of this module is that you can create links to draft posts as well. These links would not be active when the post is in draft state – they would get auto-enabled as soon as the post is published!
Slug Optimizer
This module removes small, filler words (like of, the, or, and, with, etc.) from a post or page’s URL. This way, your keywords get more weightage in the URL.
You have full control over the words that are removed from the URL.
More Link Customizer
You can replace the default “read more” anchor text with the title of your post / page, which means the anchor text would now be keyword rich. You can also make this text bold if you like.
Permalink Tweaker
This module helps you remove the category base and tag base which is the default for WordPress. As a result, the permalinks for your categories and tags would look like http://www.abc.com/category or http://www.abc.com/tag instead of http://www.abc.com/category/caegory or http://www.abc.com/tag/tag.
Keyword Research and Analysis Modules
Competition Researcher
This module gives you access to search engine data and tools using which you can analyze multiple keywords or URLs. You can:
- Check the number of webpages competing for a keyword
- Analyze keyword relevance in their titles, anchor text, URLs or body content
- Check the number of webpages present in Google’s index from a competitor’s blog / website
- Analyze a blog’s incoming & outgoing link profile
Internal Relevance Researcher
Using this module, you can find out which of your posts and pages that rank well in Google for your keywords. You can use this data to optimize your link building efforts.
Other Modules
404 Monitor
Using this module, you can see which of your URLs are giving 404 errors. Then, you can wither update the URLs or use a redirection plugin to point visitors / search engines to the correct URL.
Linkbox Inserter
This module of SEO Ultimate inserts a textbox at the bottom of your posts and pages that contains auto-generated link HTML. Your readers can use this to link to your post / page.
File Editor
This module lets you edit the .htaccess and robots.txt files from within WordPress.
Code Inserter
This module of SEO Ultimate helps you insert customer HTML or JavaScript code into the head, body, header or footer sections of your blog. You can use it to add Google Analytics script or any other scripts.
The advantage of using this module is that you no more need to use your theme to add the code – so even if you change the theme, you don’t have to worry about these codes!
Rich Snippet Creator
You can add snippet code to your posts using this module and make them more appealing to your readers.
Sharing Facilitator
This module of SEO Ultimate provides social bookmarking functionality to your readers. You can choose either an “Add This” or a “Share This” button so that your visitors can share your content on social networking sites.
Webmaster Verification Assistant
This module helps you put the Googl Webmaster Tools verification code in your blog.
Link Mask Generator
This module of the SEO Ultimate plugin creates masks for the external links on your blog, so that the external URLs look like http://www.abc.com/recommmends/seo_ultimate instead of http://www.seoultimate.com/benefits/listing.html.
This is definitely great for affiliate marketers who want to hide their tracking links, but is also good for regular bloggers since it makes the links pretty.
You have full control over which links are masked, and you can also change the base directory to anything like go, suggests, etc. (Example: http://www.abc.com/go/seo_ultimate or http://www.abc.com/suggests/seo_ultimate)
Other Features
Here are the other noteworthy features of the SEO Ultimate plugin.
Import from All In One SEO plugin
If you are already using the All In One SEO plugin, you can import the post meta data (title, description and keywords) from it. This way, you can avoid a lot of manual work if you want to switch to the SEO Ultimate plugin. You can also retain the data in the All In One SEO plugin so that you can go back to it if you don’t like the SEO Ultimate plugin (which is quite unlikely!).
Extensive help
The plugin provides extensive help which is context sensitive – you can find help on the relevant pages within the admin of your blog through WordPress’ help menu itself.
The plugin provides notices if any of your settings are blocking search engine spiders. It also displays notices if there is a conflicting plugin (like the All In One SEO plugin) active.
Uninstalling the SEO Ultimate plugin
SEO Ultimate plugin includes an uninstaller which can gracefully remove the plugin from your blog without leaving any data behind.
How to get the SEO Ultimate plugin
Now that you know the features of the SEO Ultimate plugin, I am sure you want to take it to a test drive!
SEO Ultimate is a completely free plugin approved by WordPress.org. You can download it from http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/seo-ultimate/
What are you waiting for? Go get the SEO Ultimate WordPress plugin now!
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