Genesis Theme Review - Genesis Theme Framework by StudioPress
Genesis is a theme framework that has become very popular very soon – over 71,000 online publishers are currently using it. In fact, all my blogs run on Genesis!
Here is an in-depth Genesis theme review where I cover the features of Genesis in detail so that you can decide if this theme is right for you or not.
I also discuss the various buying options, and recommend the right one for you if you think Genesis is the right theme for you.
Genesis Theme Review – Features and Benefits of Using Genesis
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
This is the biggest benefit of using Genesis – it comes with a clean code that is search engine optimized, which means your blog would automatically rank high in Google and other search engine results with lesser SEO effort on your part.
Its design and architecture are optimized for search engines from the core – it loads the important sections of your blog first so that the most relevant part of any web page is seen first by the search engines (and your visitors).
Genesis also loads very fast, which provides great user experience and is also good for SEO.
I can personally vouch for this – I have seen that my new blogs using the Genesis theme get indexed by Google very fast, and quickly start ranking better in search engine results.
Great Looking Blog – Right Out of the Box
Genesis also comes with 45+ chile themes – these are the themes (or skins) that run on top of Genesis. New child themes are constantly being developed and released.
All the Genesis child themes look stunning, and can completely change the look and feel of your blog while retaining all the core benefits of Genesis.
These professional looking child themes can be used right out of the box, which means you can completely redefine your blog in a single click! Of course, they can also be customized in any way you want.
Following are some of the Genesis child themes – you can click on any image to check the features of that theme + a live demo.
I use Genesis on all my blogs, and use various child themes to differentiate them.
- This blog: Eleven40 Child Theme
- NY Blog: Luscious Child Theme
- Cruise Blog: News Child Theme
- Product review blogs: Lifestyle Child Theme
Regular Updates
WordPress keeps evolving, and your theme needs to keep pace with it. If it doesn’t, it would not be able to benefit by the new features offered by WordPress.
Genesis doesn’t disappoint in this aspect at all – it comes up with frequent updates to keep pace with WordPress and the latest Google algorithm changes.
You would be assured that your blog remains up to date all the time. And you know what makes it easier? 1-click updates! Yes, that’s right.
Within your WordPress admin dashboard, you would get a message whenever a new version of the Genesis theme is available. And you can update Genesis with a single click! No downloads, no FTP, no messing with database, no configuration – it can’t get any simpler that this.
Tons of Customization Options
There are lots of options within the theme to customize the functionality of your blog. Here are some of the options:
- Widgets: Genesis is widget ready, and comes with widgetized sidebars. Most child themes also come with widgetized areas on the home page, the header and the footer. You can place almost anything in these areas, and fully customize your blog.
- Theme options: Genesis has a very simple admin page where you can set the theme options. You can easily change things like the layout of the site, breadcrumbs, color scheme, etc.
- Post-by-post customization: Genesis gives you great control over the way your posts and pages look. You can even change the layout of individual posts and pages!
- Threaded comments: Genesis is fully capable of showing threaded comments that are multiple levels deep. It also fully supports Gravatar.
Layout Options
Genesis supports the following layouts for your blog:
- Content/Sidebar
- Sidebar/Content
- Content/Sidebar/Sidebar (this is the layout of my blog)
- Sidebar/Content/Sidebar
- Sidebar/Sidebar/Content
- Content only (full width – no sidebar)
Please remember that apart from setting the blog layout in the Genesis admin settings page, you also have the option to change the layout of individual posts and pages.
Custom Widgets
Genesis comes with its own set of widgets that you can use to further customize your blog. Some of these are:
- My Tweets: Displays your tweets
- User Profile: Displays Gravatar + bio, and links to the author page
- eNews and Updates: Shows an opt-in box for building your email list
- Featured Posts: With post excerpts and thumbnails
- Featured Pages: With page excerpts and thumbnails
Custom Plugins

Genesis has Lots of Custom Plugins
The Genesis team at StudioPress has also come up with several plugins that are meant specifically for the Genesis theme. These plugins can greatly enhance the functionality of the theme.
I myself have used several of these Genesis plugins, and have found them very useful. Some of these plugins are:
- Genesis Connect: You can build your own social network using Genesis connect!
- Genesis Slider: You can create a slider that displays post or page titles along with their featured image and excerpt. You can define the categories, post IDs, and a lot more.
- Genesis Simple Hooks: You can insert any code (HTML / PHP) at various locations of your blog (after the header, before the post, before the sidebars, after the post, etc). I use this hook to display info about my free e-course just after the header and just below the posts.
- Genesis Simple Menus: You can assign any WordPress menu to your blog’s secondary navigation menu on a per post or per category basis.
- Genesis Simple Sidebars: You can create your own dynamic widget areas and assign them to sidebars on a per post or per category basis.
- Genesis Tabs: You can create a tabbed section using widgets.
Genesis comes with rock solid coding that doesn’t leave any loopholes open. No one with malicious intention would be able to hack your blog or install malware on it.
Great Support & Knowledge Base
StudioPress has an awesome support team that is very responsive. I have never had to use them, but have heard very good things about them. Their forums are also very active, and you can find a lot of ideas and solutions there.
Genesis also has a great knowledge base in the form of tutorials that would help you not just with theme setup (which is quite easy in the first place), but also with the SEO of your blog.
“The Genesis Guide for Absolute Beginners” is a good starting point if you want to learn more about Genesis and / or want to check out the quality of their tutorials. Click here to download it now (free).
Unlimited License
When you buy the Genesis theme framework, you get an unlimited license. You can use it on any number of blogs and sites without any restriction! Even if you don’t have multiple blogs right now, it is good to have this option at no extra cost, right?
If you build blogs and websites for clients, you can install Genesis there too!
You also get unlimited support and unlimited updates for life.
Recommendations for Genesis Theme Framework
The Genesis framework and its child themes come highly recommended by some great people from the blogging and internet marketing space:
- Darren Rowse, Founder of ProBlogger.net
- Matt Mullenweg, Founder of WordPress
- Chris Brogan, President of HB Works
- Nicole Nicolay, Founder of AgentEvolution
- Cali Lewis, from GeekBeat.tv
- many more…
My Recommendation
As I have mentioned a few times earlier, I use Genesis themes on all my blogs.
The best part is the SEO benefits – it takes very little effort to rank well for your keywords if you are using Genesis. I also love the fact that it is constantly updated to keep pace with the WrodPress releases.
I have also found great use of its many built-in widgets and hooks.
I think the Genesis theme framework is great, and should also give you great results. If you are interested in purchasing it, you can see the various buying options below.
Genesis Theme Review – Buying Options
There are 3 ways you can buy the Genesis theme. Each option has its own benefits, and is suitable for certain uses – I have discussed it in detail under each option.
Please note that the purchase of Genesis is a one time cost – there is no ongoing monthly fee. All updates are always free.
1. Buy only the Genesis framework
This is the cheapest option – it gives you all the benefits of the Genesis theme, and gives your blog a solid foundation. You get:
- The Genesis framework
- The basic Genesis theme
- Unlimited updates and support
- License to use Genesis on unlimited blogs and sites
- Detailed theme tutorials
You can use its default look, or can develop your own child theme according to your needs. You can also outsource the development of a child theme.
You can also use one of the few free child themes made available by StudioPress.
Personally, I do not recommend this option – see a better option (that gives you great value for your money) below. You can buy this option by clicking here.
2. Buy Genesis framework + a child theme
A better option (at only a slightly higher cost) is to get the Genesis framework plus one of the child themes. You get all the above, and you get to choose one child theme.
This way, you enjoy the advantages of Genesis, plus you get a great looking blog right out of the box. Don’t forget – you get more than 45 themes to choose from!
I recommend buying this package if you are just starting a blog or are changing the theme for your blog. If you run multiple blogs, please see the option below.
You can explore this option by clicking here.
3. Buy the Genesis Pro Plus All-Theme package
As the name suggests, you get access to all the child themes when you buy the Genesis Pro Plus package.
But there is more – here is a list of everything you get when you but this package:
- The Genesis framework
- Every child theme
- Every child theme released in the future
- Detailed theme tutorials
- Unlimited updates and support
- License to use Genesis theme and child themes on unlimited blogs and sites
- Huge savings!
This is an awesome package, but comes at a much higher price. So I recommend this for you only if:
- You run multiple blogs
- You love changing the look of your blog frequently
- Create blogs for clients
You can check out the Genesis Pro Plus package by clicking here.
Genesis Theme Review – Conclusion
I hope you found this Genesis theme review useful.
Genesis is a great theme, and I can confidently recommend it since I have been using it for all my blogs for a long time. I am very sure that it would tremendously help you in the success of your blog.
Have you been using Genesis? What has your experience been? Have I missed anything? Please let me know through your comments!
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